Wave Energy Conversion

Geekwire: Is the tide turning on renewable marine power?

Geekwire: Is the tide turning on renewable marine power?

PMEC Director Brian Polagye is quoted in a Geekwire article on wave energy technology and the entrepreneurs at Oscilla and Columbia Power testing their new large-scale devices.

VICE News: Wave Energy Could Slash Our Use of Fossil Fuels

VICE News: Wave Energy Could Slash Our Use of Fossil Fuels

VICE News visits Oregon to learn about America’s push to develop renewable wave energy technologies.

OSU: Wave Energy Testing (video)

OSU: Wave Energy Testing (video)

The Pacific Marine Energy Center's member universities offer unparalleled knowledge, experience, and testing facilities. A new video from Oregon State University provides a peek into the world-class facilities that enable early stage development of marine energy technologies.

Thesis Series: Chris Dizon on a MiniDAQ system for wave energy converters (WECs)

Thesis Series: Chris Dizon on a MiniDAQ system for wave energy converters (WECs)

PMEC student Chris Dizon set out at the beginning of his Master’s program to shrink the size and cost of data collection on WECs and put all of the commonly used sensors for onto one, simple platform. He presented the platform, called the MiniDAQ (DAQ for Data Acquisition System), in his Master’s Thesis defense in August of 2019.

IEEE Spectrum: Wave Energy Tech Is Ready to Plug Into a Real Grid

IEEE Spectrum: Wave Energy Tech Is Ready to Plug Into a Real Grid

A feature in IEEE Spectrum about the OE35 wave energy buoy quotes PMEC Co-director Bryson Robertson.

Register Now for Integrated WEC Design Workshop - February 3rd & 4th

Register Now for Integrated WEC Design Workshop - February 3rd & 4th

Oregon State University, PMEC and Sandia National Laboratories are pleased to present a 2-day workshop on February 3rd & 4th to develop a hands-on understanding of Wave Energy Converter (WEC) design theory and experimental testing approach.

UW-APL: Persistent Environmental Monitoring Near an Operational Wave Energy Converter

UW-APL: Persistent Environmental Monitoring Near an Operational Wave Energy Converter

6 months of high-tech marine monitoring using just the power of the Hawaiian waves. A new video from UW-APL explains this impressive accomplishment and interviews several of the PMEC/APL researchers involved in the project.

UW Magazine: Converting ocean waves into electricity poses challenges—and promise

UW Magazine: Converting ocean waves into electricity poses challenges—and promise

A feature in Columns, the alumni magazine of the University of Washington, describes recent testing of wave energy converters at the Wave Energy Test Site in Kaneohe, Hawaii, as well as the broader set of challenges in marine energy being confronted by PMEC.

Nonlinear Control for Wave Energy Converters: getting the power we want, when we want it

Because a wave energy farm has no control over converging waves, the wave energy conversion devices themselves must be controlled. PMEC researchers study device control methods that can allow operators to get the power they want, when they want it.

UW-APL: Riding Waves to Generate Electricity

UW-APL: Riding Waves to Generate Electricity

A YouTube video from the Applied Physics Lab at UW shows MiniWEC, a small Wave Energy Converter test platform under development by PMEC. With it, APL-UW researchers are making important contributions to the marine renewable energy community — scalable hydrodynamic WEC models and adaptive computer controls to maximize energy capture.

Navy: NAVFAC EXWC Supports Successful Test of Wave Energy Converter Powering

Navy: NAVFAC EXWC Supports Successful Test of Wave Energy Converter Powering

A press release from the Naval Facilities Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center (NAVFAC EXWC) describes the most recent round of Wave Energy Converter (WEC) testing at the U.S. Navy’s Wave Energy Test Site (WETS), including PMEC’s participation.

Wave Energy Prize winners, Aquaharmonics, test wave energy converter at O.H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory

After 11 days of testing in the O.H. Hinsdale Wave Research Lab (HWRL), Alex Hagmuller and Max Ginsburg of Aquaharmonics left with high hopes. The team of Oregon State University graduates is testing a 1/20th scale version of the device concept that won the U.S. Department of Energy’s Wave Energy Prize.