From the benchtop to the Pacific Ocean, PMEC leverages world-class testing capabilities in waves, currents and power systems.
Though PMEC does not maintain any testing facilities as a Center, it does have access to the combined testing capabilities of UW, OSU, and UAF, including world-class riverine and wave energy test sites and a purpose-built marine energy research vessel.
PMEC operates an array of test facilities across its three partner institutions.
O.h. HINSDALE Wave research Laboratory
The O.H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory at OSU is the largest nearshore experimental facility at an academic institution in the U.S.
OSU is partnering with the U.S. Department of Energy and other stakeholders to build the nation’s most ambitious wave energy test facility located 7 miles off the Pacific coast near Newport, Oregon.
Tanana River Site
The Tanana River Hydrokinetic Test Site is used to test hydrokinetic power generating devices, related technologies, and to characterize the river environment under realistic Alaska river conditions.
Harris Hydraulics Laboratory
The Harris Hydraulic Lab at UW is a fully equipped laboratory for both teaching and research in environmental fluid mechanics, featuring multiple recirculating flumes.
R/V Russell Davis Light
The R/V Russell Davis Light at UW-APL is a purpose-built vessel for current turbine testing in either self-propelled or moored modes of operation.
Power Systems Integration Lab
The Power Systems Integration Lab at UAF tests hardware and software components within an integrated grid system at the scale of an Alaskan village power system.
Wallace Energy Systems & Renewables Facility
The WESRF at OSU provides research, testing, and consulting services related to machines and drives, power electronics, hybrid electric vehicles, power systems, and renewables.
We encourage potential collaborators to reach out directly to the PMEC facilities of interest, or email with questions about access to our testing facilities.